Afterwards the Sufi

Ikhwan Kajian yang selalu mendapat keberkahan. Informasi atau opini terkadang membuat kita berdetak kagum dan bangga dengan info tersebut. Dan tidak sadar pula kita kadang selalu terpengaruh akan kata dan bujuk rayuannya.Namuan dengan adanya Afterwards the Sufi kita bisa mencari celah kebenaranya tanpa adanya sifat menyalahkannya. Namun hanya mencari letak dasar kebenaranya itu sendiri.

Afterwards the Sufi mengajak kita untuk berfikir untuk menambah khasanah keilmuan kita.Dengan adanya kajian tentangnya kita mengerti yang benar dan yang salah.Jadikan memontum ini untuk menguatjan kita.Dan pastikan pula kita selalu mawas diri dalam menghadapi setiap problematik kehidupan kita.Dan selu berhati hati dalam menyikapi segala sesuatunya.

There are many stories of the Sufis who have a dark past, filled with the stain of disgrace. Thanks to the guidance of God Almighty, they then went back to the straight path. Among the ternukilkan story from generation to generation, there is a story about the conversion of the sufi pentolan, Bisyr bin al-Harith al-Hafi.

The greatness of the names of notable people born in Merv 150 Ah/767 M it is undisputed anymore. He greatly admired many quarters, both scholars or umara. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal was very impressed with his skills in the field of Hadith. The Caliph al-Ma'mun respect his skill in the science of religion.

However, no one ever guessed that figure, also known as Abu Nasr that, once past the dark times throughout his life. He was known as a bully and a thug. His days are filled with bermabuk Blinder, dissipate, and often do onar, as well as listen to music accompanied the women slaves.

Until one time, at night, while he was walking alone staggered due to the influence of liquor, all of a sudden he saw a piece of paper, and then pick it up. Turned out on a piece of paper, written pronunciation basmalah. He then purchased the rose oil for two dirhams with the rest of the money she had. She splashes her perfume into the paper rose to bring and keep it at home.

Arriving at the House, Bisyr asleep. In the middle of sleep his drifting, he dreamed of hearing a very clear sound, without knowing for certain who the source of the voice and said, "thou hast bearing my name then I have scent yourselves. Thou didst glorify my name then I too have been to glorify yourselves. Thou didst sanctify my name, and I too have been cleansed you. For the sake of the greatness of my name, it shall me fragrant your name, either in the world or in the hereafter. "

Bisyr does not believe, he ignored his dream. He muttered, there may be a Bisyr bully will get respect in such a way. He woke up, somewhere, the next prayer. He fell asleep again. The dream was repeated up to three times. This event is always ringing, but he underwent a routine as usual. Wander with sin.

One moment, Bisyr and his colleagues the Middle wassail at his home, full of the sound of music, particular laughter, accompanied by wine and women slaves. A famous cleric saleh knocked on the door of the House Bisyr that greeted by aides. "Who owns this House? He was the freeing of a slave or free? "asked that pious person.

The maid replied that the homeowner is not a servant but rather free.

"Fittingly if so, if she was a slave, he will behave with ethics and the servitude leave dissipate," says the pious while moving on from the residence "The Bully". From the living room, the Bisyr overhears them both. He rushed the boy approached and asked, who the hell the stranger into her home. The maid is not tahu-menahu.

Bisyr else pursues and follow in the footsteps of such mysterious alim. So meet, he asked whether the right figure that he thinks it is a pious visit to his house, a few moments ago. Turns out to be true. Bisyr asks the pious rehashing the words cleverly. Touched with the tip of the alim Bisyr, thus holding both his cheek on the ground while saying, "no, no, I was a slave," he said with a barefoot condition, without any plinth.

He returned to his home and farewell to his colleagues. "A friend, I called, therefore I have to leave this place. Goodbye! You guys will never see me again in circumstances like this. "

Since then, the Bisyr changed and become pious and righteous. He never shirking the duty serve him. I was so khusyuk to pray, he even often worships barefoot, he was nicknamed "the Bare-legged man." When asked why he did it, Bisyr replied, "I'm not going to meet my Lord, except the Bare-legged, and I will do so until he picked me up," he said.

Bisyr left the dark world and mastered the science of religion. He is studying Hadith in Baghdad and cultivate spiritual sport, mysticism. Self-cleansing and cleansing the liver was put him in a position that is honored at his side. Bisyr ever had a number of famous karamah.

Never once a thug threatens women with knives drawn in the neck. No one ventured. Bisyr suddenly grasped the thugs from the back, and then the thugs living with a mencurus sweat profusely. He was helpless.

Residents swarmed the thugs and ask, what makes it sprawl. "Who is the figure of the pious people of yesteryear? He whispered in my ear that God is always watching. Instantly, sendi-sendiku shaking, I fell down. " The citizen explained that the figure he is Bisyr.

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