Ikhwan Kajian yang selalu mendapat keberkahan. Informasi atau opini terkadang membuat kita berdetak kagum dan bangga dengan info tersebut. Dan tidak sadar pula kita kadang selalu terpengaruh akan kata dan bujuk rayuannya.Namuan dengan adanya Know God the most engrossed kita bisa mencari celah kebenaranya tanpa adanya sifat menyalahkannya. Namun hanya mencari letak dasar kebenaranya itu sendiri.
Know God the most engrossed mengajak kita untuk berfikir untuk menambah khasanah keilmuan kita.Dengan adanya kajian tentangnya kita mengerti yang benar dan yang salah.Jadikan memontum ini untuk menguatjan kita.Dan pastikan pula kita selalu mawas diri dalam menghadapi setiap problematik kehidupan kita.Dan selu berhati hati dalam menyikapi segala sesuatunya.
The intended administrative service is planning something that will be organized in one day with the fear of the results obtained, and he entrusted the result to God.
We as God's servant is indeed required to strive and work to meet the needs of our life, but after
Whatever work we are living today, do voluntarily and endeavored to mengikhlaskan our heart to do it. Despite what now is not to be desired that God has set it up. Because God will give to His servant that He loved what the servant is not what she wanted. And what God gave to His servant that is surely the best one for the servant.
For example, we want the luxury vehicles that are parked in our homes, so we bend over backward to grab it, do not know a fixed day and night work. But it turns out that what he wants is not recall never mind luxury vehicles to survive alone. Maybe that's when we should be aware that the best for us is not the wealth and luxury of that. God is too dear to us so that it does not allow us to slip up in the Valley of the error due to luxuries. Return pad yourself look ni'mat you have then be grateful, rasalah with how God ni'mat given to us of such magnitude to our own will not be able to count them.
Link :Know God the most engrossed
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