Conversion of Mud and Sho ' In Kilograms

Ikhwan Kajian yang selalu mendapat keberkahan. Informasi atau opini terkadang membuat kita berdetak kagum dan bangga dengan info tersebut. Dan tidak sadar pula kita kadang selalu terpengaruh akan kata dan bujuk rayuannya.Namuan dengan adanya Conversion of Mud and Sho ' In Kilograms kita bisa mencari celah kebenaranya tanpa adanya sifat menyalahkannya. Namun hanya mencari letak dasar kebenaranya itu sendiri.

Conversion of Mud and Sho ' In Kilograms mengajak kita untuk berfikir untuk menambah khasanah keilmuan kita.Dengan adanya kajian tentangnya kita mengerti yang benar dan yang salah.Jadikan memontum ini untuk menguatjan kita.Dan pastikan pula kita selalu mawas diri dalam menghadapi setiap problematik kehidupan kita.Dan selu berhati hati dalam menyikapi segala sesuatunya.

Conversion of Mud and Sho ' in size For Zakat - zakat duty footing foundations of fitrah before the consensus is is the Hadith of Ibn ' umar shohih narrated that the Messenger require zakat fitrah everyone independent of islam or the freeing of slaves, men or women with levels of 1 sho ' tamar or 1 sho ' wheat.

According to its history, the zakat fitrah was obliged romadhon month, two days before the feast in two Islamic ones, in keeping with its name, the zakat fitrah was obliged in order cleaning and self pensucian Muslims while increasing charity ( reward). Zakat fitrah zakat also called body, because it is the obligation of zakat fitrah is not based upon a person's ownership of the one nishob treasure, as zakat Mall.

As in the Hadith, zakat fitrah issued is dried dates or wheat. But the mention of a date or wheat could not be understood as a limitation on the type of zakat was issued. So did the mention of bbeberapa type of food in the history of the fitrah zakat other Hadith, does not mean in the context of the determination of zakat fitrah must use food that is mentioned in the text, which clearly can be inferred is a type of food. Therefore each type of foods that have the same function with the type of food termaktup in the Hadith can be zakat fitrah as formulated fuqaha ', i.e. any type of staple food قوت.

As for levels of a type of food that dikeluarka is the one sho '. Sho ' is a term that measure out the tool is quite popular in the arab region, more so in Medina majority peasant. In contrast to the inhabitants of Makkah majority of traders. they are closer to the scales, though not means they have to measure out the question of the blind. During the practice of issuing Rasululloh zakat, is the use of tools measure out sho '. Practical can be ascertained, then there is no chance of the debate about the rate of zakaah being issued although from different types of staple food. the ' sho later known as sho ' sho ' prophets or Medina.

Along with the passage of time, the development of the religion of islam expanded in the region culture of measuring unit of objects, do not use the measure. But using the scales. On the other hand the staple food of most of the region unlike the majority of staple food for Muslims to Mecca Madina. Let's say the rice for example, such conditions of this size demands be equivalent sho ' zakat in popular culture are not know tools measure out sho ', then the ' sho equivalent made reference to standards in their practice of zakat.

From here arises differences of opinion among the scholars ' in accordance with their experience in measuring sho ' into the size of the weights (weight of goods) in terms of the size of their respective territories. In al-Majmoo ', one ' sho ' is five more 1/3 kati, using the term the size of Baghdad, kati weighting of goods Iraq region. This opinion is the same as the opinion of Al-Imam Malik, abu yusuf of the madhhab of imam ahmad, khanafi, fuqaha ' haromain and ' mayoiritas fuqaha ' Iraq '. Unlike the abu Hanifa, and Muhammad, he megukur one sho ' with 8 kati. The difference in the program, are becoming increasingly berfariasi when offered in terms of the size of modern IE kilograms as mentioned in the task reserved.

In the mensikapi the persilisian, some of the scholars ' comments with the statement that the origin of the reference standard in the levels of zakat ftrah is the measure. As for the measure it in the scales is based steps clarify (Istidzharon) and certainly more ease, especially an unknown term in the sho '.

So is the case, the decision taken by musyawirin formulate 1 sho ' is 2.5 kg, is a step in the istidzhar, take the Middle Road between disagreement 1 sho ' rice in the context of keIndonesiaan. Not a patent certainty. It is based on a proof is done partly musyawirin didaerahnya each with a gauge of 1 sho ' white rice which produce different size difference. There is nothing to measure it into 2.4 kg 2.7, there is even a 2.9 kg.

This can be understandably, because the kinds of rice that weighed is not the same. Not because of the different sho'nya. The difference in weights of rice one sho ' can occur due to the rice produced from specific cropping land is not the same with the other land. The level of soil fertility is quite instrumental in determining the weight of a grain in his produce. Not to mention the problems of fertilizing and planting way, can affect the results, not only from the many heavy goods but also of at least his light.

According to imam Nawawi measure sho ' with kati still leaves isykal. The thing that made ' sho tools measure out the zakat during Rasullah already fairly well known. And of course the measure out in item weight levels with the ' sho will differ according to the various goods that measure out in it self.

1 sho ' different corn does it weigh with a sho ' wheat, so did more

Next to support a logically, Al-Imam Al-Nawawi others statements of Imam Abul faroj Addarimy are looking closely at this issue. her conclusion is that correct in determining the rate of zakaah must hold on to the benchmark measure instead of scales. That becomes the obligation of zakat was issued one sho ' as measured volumes have in common with the sho ' used measured the zakat time Prophet. And sho ' such that, there. For those who aren't able to get sho ' compulsory look for clarity by removing the zakat levels believed to be not less than one sho ' Prophet. Thus measuring 1 sho ' with 5 more 1/3 kati is a step approach (not a certainty).

So the obligatory zakat fitrah issued of one sho ' based on the Hadith above. the problem here in Indonesia not to use units of the sho '. and discussions about unit sho ' does not just happen now and not just in Indonesia let us refer about differences in size 1 sho ' from various opinions:

According To Some Schools Of Fiqh Scholars

1. One Sho ' equals four mud, and mud one cooperatively with 675 Grams so one Sho ' is equal to 2700 grams (2.7 kg). So according to the Maliki madhhab. (Wahbah al-Zuhaili, Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu, Beirut, Dar al-Fikr, Juz tt, II, p. 910)

2. Meanwhile, according to al-Rafi'i Al-Shaafa'i madhhab, and same with 693 dirhams (1/3 Al-Syarqawi, Op cit, Juz I, thing. 371. See also Al-Husaini, Kifayat al-Akhyaar, Dar al-Fikr, Juz I, thing. 295; Wahbah Al-Zuhaili, Tafsir al-Munir, Dar al-Fikr, Juz II, things. 141) if the converted units of grams, the same as 2751 grams (2.75 kg) (Wahbah Al-Zuhaili, Al-Adilatuhu al Islami Wa Fiq, Dar al-Fikr, Juz II thing, 911)

3. From the Hanbali argues, one sho ' is also the same as 2751 grams (2.75 kg).

4. Hanafi size one sho ' according to this view. higher than the opinions of other scholars, i.e. 3.8 kg. As stated in al-Fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuhu Zuhailli Juz Wahbah works II. 909.:

One sho ' according to imam Abu Hanifa and imam Muhammad was rithl the size of Iraq. One Rithl Iraq equal to 130 dirhams or same with 3800 grams (3.8 kg).

Even a Hanafi also allows pay zakat fitrah with money worth of staple food ingredients that must be paid. Among a group of Hanafi Imam Abu Yusuf said: I prefer to tithe given to the money than with groceries, because that is more precise about the needs of the poor. View Dr. Ahmad al-Syarbashi, Yasa ' alunaka fi al-Dini wa al-Hayat, Beirut: Dar al Jail, Cet. to III, 1980, Juz II, things. 174. Also Mahmud Syaltut in his Fataawa stated: I consider good and I perform is, when I was in my village, I remove the foodstuffs such as dates, raisins, wheat, and so on. But if I'm in the city, then I remove the money (cost). Read Mahmud Syaltut, Al-Fataawa, Cairo: Dar al-Qalam, cet. to III, 1966, p. 120. Both figures allows zakat fitrah with money, and in his book that it was not explained how the size of the sho ' he thought. But as Hanafiyyah, their chances are small for the size of the other two wore (in addition to the Hanafi).

In al Qaamoos, mud is a measure, namely two rithl (according to the view of Abu haneefah) or one third of the rithl (according to the view of the majority) or as much as the content of the Palm of the hand, if filling them both, and then pitch it, therefore dinamailah mud ( Subulus Salam, thing. 111. In the written Press mold Darus Sunnah liters instead of rithl, and rithl is a war, God willing, this is true, and Allah knows best).

5. Al Fayyumi Allaah said,  "The fuqaha said, ' if the dimutlakkan the term rithl in the matter of furu ' then what is meant is the rithl Baghdadi ' " (al Misbahul Munir p. 230)

6. And Dr. Muhammad al Kharuf said,  "Suppression of dissent then the size of the rithl Baghdadi equals 408 grams " (al Idhah wa Tibyan, tahqeeq by Dr. al Kharuf, p. 56)
Thus if the majority of opinion, then follow one mud in grams or less is 544 grams (one-third of multiplied 408) and one SAA ' of more or less is 2176 grams (of 544 multiplied by 4) or 2.176 kilograms.

According To The Scholar Indonesia

Indonesia Ulama also many different opinions about one sho ' as Kyai Infallible-Kwaron States Stubs one sho ' is equal to 3.145 liters, or 14.65 cm2 or around 2751 grams.

While at large in Indonesia, the weight of one sho ' standardised became 2.5 kg. Standardisation of 2.5 kg this is perhaps to find the number halfway between the opinions stated 1 sho ' is a 2.75 kg, 1 sho ' is equal to below 2.5 kg.

Because according to the kitab al-Fiqh al-Manhaj, Juz I, p. 548, 1 sho ' is 2.4 kilo gram (mostly holding on to this opinion). There's also argue 2176 grams (2.176 kg).
In the book al Syarqawi, op cit, juz I thing. 371, Al-Nawawi stated 1 sho ' is equal to 683 5/7 dirhams. If the conversion is in grams, the outcome is far from 2176 grams. Read also the Ali Idrus, Fiqh Contextual; Khulasah terms Yellow Book, lecture Shari'ah PP. Sidogiri, 1423 H. 20-21.

As a result, what happens in the community, it does not escape the problem that khilafiyyah is actually terakomodir by learned scholars of the two. If we lay people, does not have to know everything, but enough to follow one of them. According to Imam Ghazali, mandatory for a layman to taqlid to one of the two. See Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali, al-Mustashfa, Beirut: Dar al-al Ilmiyyah Pole, 2000, page. 371

So it seems to me the zakat fitrah 2.5 Kg complies with the description above, the law is valid (because there is an opinion that says 1 sho ' = 2.176 Kg) and if you want to pull out of 2.751 Kg ruling afdal. Increasingly afdal certainly better. :)

But for me personally more cautious by taking opinions from Imam Al-Shaafa'i in which according to the description above, 1 Sho ' is 2.751 Kg and my family usually issue the zakat fitrah is rounded to 3 Kg due to easier in than the purchase. May God give blessing over the excess and give up ridhoNya and barokah lack.

Well so is the conversion of Mud and Sho ' in size For Zakat certainly still a lot of shortcomings, but at least hopefully can facilitate learning for all students to understand the conversion.

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